Julie Corbin has painted since 2 years old.
Art is very much a part of her.
She has taught art in Prisons and in the community, more recently during Covid – 19 lock downs.
This has been partly to cheer others up and to keep her sanity!

Tell us a little about your background?
I started to paint from the age of two, no one knows why it happened but my grandfather could see I was creative. He encouraged me and bought me creative gifts. Unfortunately, he died when I was nine but my grandmother told over this responsibility and encouraged me. She certainly made me the woman I am today as she believed in giving back to others and I do that with passion. I realised whilst working in an office this as I had a solo art exhibition.
A charity saw this and said they would like me to teach art and help others. I began to teach vulnerable adults and families in the community which lead to teaching for over 9 years in men’s' prisons. Art is a lovely skill to have, all you need is a pen/pencil and a scrap of paper and this is something the men took away with them on their life journey. I have also taught art therapy in the community and in prison where you can reach people that have many different issues including mental health. Today I am lucky to have a little time outside work where I can paint for myself and you can see what is coming out.

Why art?
No idea why art at the beginning, it was inside me but now it’s better than a friend as I can pick it up and drop it when I want to. It is a way of me to express myself and the thoughts in my head.

What motivates you to create and why have you chosen your particular subject matter and medium?
Art makes me happy and I can now see it makes others happy too which is a motivation in itself. I use anything I can get my hands on depending on my budget but I like using water colour for delicate things and acrylic for texture.

You mentioned that you are active in your community and taught in prisons, can you tell us more?
I taught vulnerable adults and families in the community as you know. This ranged with individuals from all backgrounds in culture and religion. Bringing people together for example refugees to paint and channel out their feelings. Being able to talk freely made all the difference. This spurred me on to working in prison where as you can imagine there is a lot of mental health issues. Art is a common ground for people to feel relaxed and to express themselves. Also, a great way of creating something unique that you can give as a gift and many students did and do.

What's your biggest barrier to being an artist? How do you address it?
Time is a massive barrier as I work full time and care for my husband who isn't well and have a lifelong condition. I know it is important to make time for myself for good wellbeing. It’s not easy but evenings are a good time to paint even if it’s an hour.

How do you go about getting known?
This is all new to me but my biggest social media platform has been Instagram julesart71. Easy to create and free it is easy to do. Also getting myself into exhibitions like on Brouhaha which I am incredibility grateful for as the vr exhibition is accessible to all who can access a electronic device. I have friends and family who are stuck in with Covid, disabled or not able to travel that can sit with a cuppa and go on a tour of an exhibition that I am in. I would like to submit my work more but there is a lot of admission costs when you physically submit work in most cases. The easiest way to get known is by word of mouth is one of the best ways getting exposure, keep telling everyone that you are a visual artist.
Is there anything else you would like to add of interest for our audience?
My biggest advice is to be creative and don't worry what others say! It is easy to down tools when someone criticize your artwork. Art is about self-expression so enjoy it, get messy and have fun.
Discover more about Julia Corbin: https://www.instagram.com/julesart71/
BROUHAHAART gallery specializing in 3D Virtual exhibitions and curated Virtual galleries, serving a Global community as well as professional galleries, organizations and Artists.
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